Brothers Ray and Chuck Welch come from a long line of sugarmakers. Our
George Welch made syrup on our farm as far back as the 1930's
that we know about and
probably did before that . Our father Gerald "Ownie"
made syrup with grandpa and
Richard "Uncle Ick" in the 1940's and 50's.
Bernard "Uncle Barnie" had a large sugaring
operation on Lagrange road for
There was sugarmaking on the other side of the family as well. Glenn
Walton , our
grandfather, had a huge (for the time) sugaring operation on
Telegraph road in Bliss , NY
until the 1940's.

In 1976 Ray found the sap buckets and spouts hidden away
in the barn and before long
Welch's were making syrup again , and have
every year since.
Modern technology saves the day !
We have taken full advantage of the many improvements in
the syrup making process that
have come along.
Modern vacuum tubing systems have
replaced buckets and allow us to tap trees
that because of there remote
location were impossible to tap with buckets.
Smaller diameter spouts produce much
less damage to the trunk of the tree. The
industry standard taphole size
has been 7/16"dia. for years. We have converted all of our
taps over to
the much smaller 19/64" dia.spouts.
Food Grade stainless steel equipment
and storage drums helps us make better
syrup and lasts longer.
Concrete floors and running water in
the sugarhouse makes it easy to produce a
top quality product. Not too
long ago a dirt floor and bucket of sap for clean-up was the
industry standard.
Reverse osmosis and ultra-filtration
of raw sap along with ultraviolet light
sterilization help us produce
better flavored higher quality syrup quicker and with less fuel
than in
the past.
© 2004-2024 Welch's maple