Welch's Maple Farm
1420 Saltvale Road
Wyoming , New York 14591
Directions from Warsaw and south.
Take route 19 North to Wal-Mart.
Look for our Sign and take the
next right turn onto Saltvale road. Our farm is 4 miles on the left side
of the road.
Directions from Leroy and North.
Take Route 19 South through Pavilion.
3 miles south of
Pavilion look for Our sign
and take the next left turn onto Wyoming road. Drive
for 2 miles and the road name changes to Saltvale road. Our farm is 1 mile further
on the
right side of road.
Directions from the Village of
Wyoming ( Gaslight Village ).
Take Main
street from route 19 ( Academy street ). Go 1.5 miles across R.R.
to first stop sign. Turn right onto Saltvale road and our farm is 1 mile on the

2004-2024 Welchs maple |